

Subsidy on UPWr for publishing
Subsidy on UPWr for publishing
Get familiar with current subsidy for publishing rules, check a list of subsidized journals from your scientific discipline, download needed form.
Consious publishing
Consious publishing
How publish to increase the visibility of the article? Which journals and publishers should be avoided? Where check potential of journals?

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (UPWr) is one of the best specialist universities in Poland. It conducts training and research in the field of agricultural and natural sciences as well the engineering and technical ones.

The Main Library

of Wrocław University

of Environmental and Life Sciences

ul. Norwida 29

50-375 Wrocław


71 320 5203 (Library's Office)

71 320 5155 (The Local Lending Room)

71 320 5443 (UPWr Base of Knowledge)