Open publishing programmes

Open publishing programmes may be used by correspondence authors affiliated to UPWr, who at the time of accepting the article for publication have the status of an active employee or PhD student of Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences.

It is recommended to use e-mail addresses from the UPWr domain.

As part of the access agreement to the Emerald journal database, UPWr researchers have the opportunity to use 1 voucher for an open access publication (1 article).

The first-come, first-served principle applies. The voucher is valid until 31.12.2024 and is intended for correspondence authors affiliated to UPWr.

Once the article has been accepted, the system will automatically recognise the institution (it is recommended to use an institutional email) and offer the voucher.

Once the voucher has been selected, the CC BY 4.0 licence must be confirmed.

More information about publishing in Emerald journals



Last update 23.09.2024: from the pool of 1013, 164 articles remain. 

For whom?

The programme is intended for correspondence authors affiliated to UPWr.

What does the programme enable?

Authors publishing in selected journals within the available article pool are exempt from the APC fee. The programme in 2024 allows publication in 1102 hybrid journals from 7 Science Direct subject collections: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Health Sciences, Immunology and Microbiology, Mathematics and Physics and Astronomy; and from the Lancet group.

How does it work?

The programme includes only articles submitted and published in 2024. If the publication meets the criteria and is accepted for publication, the publisher's system will automatically qualify the article for the programme. If the pool of articles for the year has not run out, the author will receive an email with a link to the Rights and Access form. If the programme pool is still available after completing the form, the author will be given the option to publish open and to have the APC fee waived (presentation of the form for the programme). Once all articles in the pool have been used, there is an option to publish the article in the subscription model or in the open model at the author's expense.

The programme administrator on the UPWr side will be informed about the article to verify the affiliation and eventually accept the article.

Detailed rules for the programme are available on the Virtual Library of Science website.

mgr Natalia Wypych

71 320 5203


Active for publications accepted by the publisher from 1.01.2023.

For whom?

The programme is intended for correspondence authors affiliated to the Wrocław University of Life Sciences. It is recommended to use an institutional e-mail, which will make it easier to identify the author's institution.

How does it work?

Frontiers is an open access publisher of journals in science, technology and medicine. An agreement with the publisher allows researchers at the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences to benefit from a 7.5% discount on the publication fee for articles in Frontiers journals.



For whom?

For UPWr employees and PhD students.

How does it work?

MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) is an academic publisher of over 200 journal titles in the Open Access model. The Main Library's participation in the MDPI project enables researchers at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences to benefit from a 10% discount on the fee for publishing articles in the publisher's journals. The discount combines with other discounts such as vouchers given by MDPI.

For more information, please see the file below.

Files to download



Last update 23.09.2024: from the pool of 1013, 164 articles remain. 

For whom?

The programme is intended for correspondence authors affiliated to UPWr.

What does the programme enable?

The programme allows free open access publication in the journal Science Advances within the available pool of articles. The journal has 200 points on the ministerial list of journals and is located in the leading scientific disciplines at UPWr: civil engineering, geodesy and transport, agriculture and horticulture, nutrition and food technology, biotechnology and biological sciences.

How does it work?

The publisher itself identifies articles eligible for the programme. Corresponding authors whose articles have been accepted for publication are advised to contact ICM at to benefit from the programme.

More information can be found here.

mgr Natalia Wypych

71 320 5203



Last update 23.09.2024: from the pool of 1363, 323 articles remain. 

For whom?

The programme is intended for correspondence authors affiliated to UPWr.

What does the programme enable?

Authors publishing in selected journals, within the available article pool, are exempted from the APC fee. The programme allows authors affiliated to UPWr to publish articles under a CC-BY licence (or possibly CC-BY-NC upon special request by the author). 

The programme currently covers 1983 hybrid journals from the Springer core collection and 20 ADIS hybrid journals (catalogue). BioMed Central and SpringerOpen open access journals are not included in the programme. 

Article types covered by the programme: Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication and Continuing Education.

How does it work?

The programme only includes articles submitted and published in 2024. If the publication meets the criteria and is accepted for publication, the corresponding author must indicate their affiliation in the Open Access Systems Solution form received, consistent with the affiliation given in the article. If, at the time of filling in the form, the pool of articles in the programme for the year is not yet run out and the system recognises the selected institution as belonging to the programme, the form will indicate ‘Open access at no cost to you’. After clicking on ‘Yes, submit for approval’, the article information will be sent to the programme administrator on the UPWr side for affiliation verification. The author will be notified by email of the result of the verification. Detailed instructions for completing the publication process and qualifying for the programme can be found in the presentation

Detailed rules for the programme are available on the Virtual Library of Science website.

mgr Natalia Wypych

71 320 5203


Active. The article pool for 2024 is 97.

Authors publishing in selected journals within the available article pool are exempt from the APC fee.

Last update 13.09.2024: 83 articles remaining to be used.

For whom?

The programme is for correspondence authors affiliating to UPWr.

What does the programme enable?

The programme covers publishing in ‘Open Select’ hybrid journals (July 2024 list - ‘Open Select’ tab), and those on the ‘High Impact’ tab. The current list of Open Select journals can be generated on the publisher's website, where the ‘Open Select’ status and the Routlege and Taylor&Francis publishers must be ticked (the licence does not cover journals with ‘Full open access’ status or Dove Press). The programme covers certain types of articles.

How does it work?

If the publication meets the criteria listed above and is accepted for publication, the publisher's system will automatically qualify the article for the programme. If the pool of articles for a given year (including those in the ‘High Impact’ group) has not been exhausted, the author will receive an email from the publisher confirming his/her eligibility for the programme and a second email with a link to the Author Publishing Agreement form (presentation for authors). If the author indicates on the form that they wish to take part in the programme, the article will be referred to the administrator for affiliation verification and accepted to or rejected from the programme. If the article is rejected, the publisher's system will ask the author to fill in the agreement form again and choose either open access publication at their own expense or a subscription model.

More information can be found here.

mgr Natalia Wypych

71 320 5203



Active. Publication fees are covered by the deposit paid.

For whom?

The programme is for correspondence authors affiliating to institutions that are members of the T&F consortium, including UPWr.

What does the programme enable?

The program includes publishing in T&F Open Select (hybrid journals) and T&F Open (OA) journals. The list of magazine titles covered by the program sent by the publisher can be found in the file below. On the publisher's website you can check current information on titles covered by the program and APC costs.

How does it work?

The author of an article accepted for publication should complete the online form according to the publisher's instructions.

The university has declared a deposit amount to be used by the authors (the order of submission by authors after the articles have been accepted for publication is decisive). 

More information can be found here.

mgr Natalia Wypych

71 320 5203


Files to download

  • 592.45KB [ .pdf ]
    Date of publication: 27-06-2023 14:04