What is Open Access

Open science primarily means open and free access to publications (Open Access) and to scientific data (Open Data). However, it is not limited to these. It also includes phenomena such as open peer review, open education resources, open laboratories, open documentation of process methodology or open-source software.

OPEN ACCESS, which means...

The Open access movement is a social initiative that has been developing since the 90s. It aims to change the model of scientific communication, promote the idea of openness and transparency in science. Its main advocates are scientists and librarians, but also other science-related groups, among them programmers and publishers, who support efforts for free access to scientific content via the Internet.

Open Access is free, universal, permanent and rapid access to publications of scientific and educational content. Any Internet user has the right to read, copy, print, distribute, index, cite and search open resources, including full texts of articles, research reports, conference proceedings, academic lectures and books published in the Open Access model. The user can use the material without financial, legal or technical restrictions while retaining copyright.

The main models for the dissemination of scientific papers and research results are the golden and the green way.