Collecting orders

Requested library materials can be collected at the Lending Library or via the book pick-up locker. You must have your library card. with you in order to receive them. Depending on the user's status it is:

  • student/PhD student card (students and PhD students of UPWr and other universities in Wrocław),
  • employee card (UPWr employees),
  • a card issued by the BG (postgraduate students, UPWr retired employees, employees of other Wrocław universitied).

The delivery status of your order can be seen in your library account. If it changes from "W realizacji" to "Zarezerwowano do...", it means that the book is already available for collection. Order processing time is approximately one hour.

Aleph Catalogue




Orders are waiting to be collected for 3 days.

If the books are held back or the due amount is not paid, the library account is blocked.

Prolongation of the return deadline

Fees for overdue returning