Naturalists' Days 2018

The library invited participants in the Pawlowice Fair to the 'Game Room' and the family game 'Indians and cowboys – the search for the treasure of the old Apache'. The pass to the game was a workshop where visitors could make, among other things, a plume or a headband. In the organised competition "Become a Tangram Master/Mistress", we chose a tangram master. The biggest attraction for children and parents was the mega board game "Farmer" and a large selection of table board games.

At the Library's stand, it was possible to see the extensive collection of games available on the market, learn about the history of board games and play old games, such as Mehen, dice, an old form of tic-tac-toe and the Polish version of the game 'Geese', dating back to 1852. It is interesting to note that we prepared the board for the game "Geese" on the basis of the resources of the "Polona" Digital Library, working out the sense of the boxes ourselves.

The fashion for board games has returned, and as they are becoming increasingly popular, at the request of PhD students and students of our University, the Library has purchased 10 sets of games, which are available for loan.